Remedial massage to help ease your pain in Tuggerah
At Tuggerah Chiropractic, our massages are performed by our qualified massage therapist, however our current massage therapist , Janene Larance is yet to complete her final exams to be approved by all major health funds. So until she completes these exams you will not be able to make electronic claims on site using the HICAPS system. Once she completes her exams this will quickly change. We apologise for the inconvenience. It is regrettable.
Remedial Massages are available in durations of 30, 60 or 90 minutes. Massages are available Monday to Friday and Saturday morning 8.30 – 12. Bookings are by appointment only.
Common conditions treated by Remedial Massage
Our remedial massage therapist in Tuggerah can help with a range of health concerns, including:
- Muscular and skeletal dysfunction
- Muscle tightness and pain
- Arthritis
- Frozen shoulder
- Tennis elbow
- Whiplash
- Neck and back pain
- Scoliosis
- Sports injuries

What is Remedial Massage?
Remedial massages are compatible with Chiropractic adjustments and provide a therapeutic treatment to muscles that have become damaged, tense or knotted as a result of day to day activity or injury. Like Chiropractic, remedial massages are a holistically approach to healing — aiming to encourage the body’s own natural repair of muscles, tendons and joints. Specialised techniques include a lubricating medium, usually oil applied on the skin to relax and work on muscles and deep tissue, stretching techniques, and gentle joint movements.
Before a Chiropractic Adjustment: it effectively prepares the body by relaxing the muscles and nervous system.
After a Chiropractic Adjustment: it will assist in maintaining the results of the adjustment.
Benefits of Remedial Massage
Make an appointment at our clinic in Tuggerah and enjoy the benefits of remedial massage. Our treatments can help with:
- Stimulation to the blood supply and lymph
- Increase of nutrient uptake
- Removal of toxins and metabolic waste
- Relief of muscle spasm
- Decrease of joint stiffness and increase mobility
- Calm the nervous system to ease pain and discomfort
- Improvement to the health of cells
- Repair of tissues
- Relaxation